Tuesday, October 19, 2010

suka hati kau la labu

"people who said money can't buy happiness simply because they shopped at the wrong place."

"when poverty knocks your door, love flies through your window"
trust me,i'm not a gold digger! If i'm one, i'll only digged my own gold. why should i run after others money? yes,true-i always said about married to arich guy and all
that, but again-did i said i want to married him,and live happily,goyang kaki,shopping 24/7,swipe card at every shop and when mr.husband getting broke,i'll leave him for another guy? of course not! i've my own dream-i want to stand by my own feet. at the same time, i do want a guy that can promise me a better and bright future too. but again-it's not only him has to work hard,it's my responsibility too. but as a man, mr.husband has a priority to provide for the family. so, i want him to take control and be the man who is doing his responsibilities very well. don't get me wrong-i bukan nak hidup mewah ala-ala fairy tales. i just want a comfortable and affordable life for me and my children. am i asking too much here?berapa ramai orang cerai berai.i've heard,read,saw a lot of sad ending story.what makes it look pathetic is they saperate because of
of course as a muslim, i must look at the mr.husband's knowledge about Islam and his faith. no denial that Islam is the most important thing in life. but also Islam teach us that we should strive in our life.
"beramal ibadat lah kamu seolah-olah kamu akan mati pada esok hari, dan bekerjalah kamu seolah-olah kamu akan hidup 1000 tahun lagi"

see, how beautiful Islam is. so, stop letting your emotion take control. be rational and don't make fun of others. everybody have their own opinion. eventhough we have different view, doesn't mean that i'm wrong and you're 100 percent right. who are you to jugde people, huh?just like i never critisize your crazy fantasy about getting married to superb handsome,hot,macho guy.why don't you just accept mine?
haish...entah pape la awk ni.... :S